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Video: Spiritual Loop

Raffety demonstrates the Spiritual Loop game built in Minecraft with support from disabled videogamers and their Christian communities, the Templeton World Charity Foundation, the Center of Theological Inquiry, and Glasgow-Calendonian University.

Video: How to Study Congregations

Raffety reviews the critical concepts of digital culture, the digital divide, digital ethnography, and digital reflexivity and their relationship to studying and ministering with contemporary congregations.



Raffety, joined by her daughter, Lucia, discusses her book,  From Inclusion to Justice, with Miriam Spies and Amy Panton, hosts of The Mad and Crip Theology podcast.

In this episode, co-host Amy Hughes speaks with Erin Raffety about her ethnographic and practical theological research into what it looks like for congregations to move away from an “inclusion” model for people with disabilities to a “justice” model with people with disabilities.


 Raffety draws on personal experience, research, and ministry to cast a vision for justice in disability ministry.

Distillery Podcast logo, a blue water drop on a black background. White text inside the blue drop reads "the distillery, a podcast"

Raffety talks with Host and Director of the Institute for Youth Ministry about her research with the Log College Project.

Disrupting Ministry logo. A teal blue background with light blue and dark blue text that reads "Disrupting Ministry"


Lecture: Exploring Artificial Intelligence & Videogaming with Christian Communities

Rev. Dr. Erin Raffety speaks to Palmer Theological Seminary regarding her 2020-2023, service as a Research Fellow at the Center of Theological Inquiry, where she built and studied a Minecraft video game for disabled Christians and their congregations, and conducted a study on worship access for Christians living with Long COVID and chronic illness. 

Raffety delivers the keynote lecture at the 2018 conference on Disability and Youth Ministry hosted by Princeton Theological Seminary’s Institute for Youth Ministry.

00:00 / 01:04
Raffety, back left, seated and dressed in blazer, faces small group of four people seated in chairs and one man seated in wheelchair, front far left.

Raffety leads a small group discussion at the conference on Disability and Youth Ministry hosted by the Institute for Youth Ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary, 2018.



Sermon: "From Inclusion to Justice"

Raffety draws on Mark 10:46-52 and Bartimaeus’ call to ministry to identify some lessons for congregations pursuing disability justice.

Sermon with Martha Haythorn

Raffety and Haythorn preach an Advent dialogue sermon on the Magnificat and disability.

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